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About Me


Hi, my name is Sihui Li. I’m a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Colorado School of Mines. I work with Dr. Dantam in the DyALab. I’m graduating this Spring, and will join Washington State University Tri-Cities as a tenure-track assistant professor in Fall 2024.

Email Address: li@mines.edu

Location: Brown Hall 340

My current research focuses on robot motion planning and task planning. I believe that one key to any robotics application is the algorithm running behind and driving all the hardware. Because of this, one of my goals is to develop robust, generally applicable, and theoretically complete algorithms for robots. In one area of my research, I look at motion planning infeasibility proofs that demonstrate the non-existence of configuration space paths. This also leads to a narrow passage motion planning algorithm. Applying these algorithms in context-sensitive scenarios shows the advantages on HRI robotic systems.


Journal Publications

Refereed Conference Publications



Please see these two project pages Motion Planning Infeasibility Proof and Context-Sensitive Planning.